New Experiences, New Ideas

Hunting ideas in the Wisconsin woods
Know sometimes how you stumble into a new experience that gets your wheels turning; prompts you to think…
Hunting ideas in the Wisconsin woods
Know sometimes how you stumble into a new experience that gets your wheels turning; prompts you to think…
Traded trivia about memorable movie quotes the other night—favorites, some of which others instantly knew. Can you match these lines to their movies?
“It was beauty killed the beast.”
“I coulda had class. I coulda been a contender. I coulda been somebody.”
I thought of classic book…
In editor Cindy Rogers’s excellent 2004 book “Word Magic for Writers,” one chapter focuses on authors making “Dazzling word choices.” Her aim is to teach writers how to create vivid images by using vibrant words. Rogers quoted Mark Twain…
I read 2-3 books simultaneously—fiction and non-fiction. It’s my way of multi-tasking. You never know what story ideas you might pick up doing this. One of those gems caught my eye while reading Robert Kaplan’s Imperial Grunts: The American Military On The Ground. I wrote McFadden’s Warbecause…
Like movies? I do. Are you a discerning moviegoer? You should be. Stephen King writes about his love of the cinema. It helped form his imagination. Gathering from his success with the written word, King paid attention to dialog in the movies. Rule of thumb: If movies open with an over-long car chase or drop a demolition derby in the middle, screenwriters ran out of words. Shame. Well-written scripts…